Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assignment 2- less is more

For the second assignment, we are supposed to find something around the school and then abstract it. It need not be a sign, but it should be something we could put around the school. After much thought, I decided to create a pictogram for a water dispenser as firstly I liked to drink water and often I need to refill water in school. Also, more importantly, during my first year in Nus I had difficulty finding a water dispenser in the library. So I thought by creating one will solve the problem of difficulties in finding a water dispenser for freshies when they are in year 1.

During tutorial, I presented my work and the feedback given by my peers and Jing was that the abstraction is not clear enough as the lines are not thick enough. Therefore, I went back to work on the pictogram and the level of abstraction to make it more define and clear. The below is the pictogram of the water dispenser and its five level of abstraction.

Below is the final prototype that I had chosen.

I had also chosen the place to place my final prototype which is outside the Nus library’s lounge. By placing the prototype there the people entering the library could easily see that the water dispenser is inside so that people entering the library will have no difficulties finding one when in need.

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